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Insurance and Takaful 101 – A guide to basics for Malaysians
Page is currently using Sunlife workflow workflow and is in Published step. Title:* Insurance and Takaful 101 – A guide to basics for Malaysians Description: Have questions on Insurance and Takaful and how it works? Not to worry! We have put together a series of bite-sized videos to help make Insurance and Takaful plan less daunting.  
Buying the right insurance/takaful plan is a critical part of financial planning. These videos, featuring Keanu Azman, radio host, and Alexis Sue Ann, actress and TV host, provide useful information about life insurance and takaful, from insurance/takaful terminology, how to choose a policy/certificate and make a claim to staying vigilant against fraud.
Watch all episodes HERE.
Episode 1: General Information on Insurance & Takaful
Episode 2: Policies/Contracts on Insurance & Takaful
Episode 3: Insurance & Takaful Claims
Episode 4: Insurance & Takaful Scams Image: /getmedia/0f6e8348-9c65-4a4a-baeb-b0c771d253b3/thumbnail-Insurance-and-Takaful-101.png?width=720&height=720&ext=.png Open in full size Article Link: Gallery Link: Publish from: Now Publish to: Now
Sinaran Raya - a memorable and meaningful Hari Raya celebration
With the easing of the pandemic restrictions, this year&rsquo;s&nbsp;<em>Hari Raya</em>&nbsp;celebration was abuzz with excitement after 2 years of subdued celebrations.<br />
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On 2 June 2022, Sun Life advisors reunited over the annual &lsquo;Sinaran Raya&rsquo; event to enjoy what we have missed most about&nbsp;<em>Raya</em>&nbsp;traditions &ndash; putting on the best&nbsp;<em>Raya</em>&nbsp;outfits, enjoying the sumptuous delicacies and sharing laughter.<br />
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Held at the serene Boathouse (Flamingo by The Lake)<strong>,&nbsp;</strong>the&nbsp;<em>Hari Raya</em>&nbsp;soiree with Sun Life Malaysia CEO, Raymond Lew, DCEO, Ho Teck Seng, Head of Agency Distribution, Ashley Goh and 250 advisors was a manifestation of the &lsquo;Bolder and Better, Together&rsquo; Sun Life Malaysia family. The event was held to celebrate and strengthen the relationship among the advisors and celebrate unity and diversity together.<br />
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Surrounded by beautiful decor and greenery with a stunning lake view, it was all smiles for all as there were also various entertainments, such as special performances by talented artists, Shiha Zikir and Ayie Floor 88, who serenaded the guests with some of their popular numbers.<br />
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To commemorate the joyous occasion, the evening was boosted with a dazzling firework display at the lakeside.<br />
Sun Life Malaysia Takaful unveils first investment-linked Takaful ESG Fund
As part of our mission to be the trusted lifetime Takaful partner for Malaysians, Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad recently launched its first investment-linked Takaful ESG-themed fund and an investment-linked plan to empower its Clients to achieve lifetime financial security whilst embracing investment opportunities that meet their faith and ethical values.
Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Global Sustainable Fund
The Sun Life Malaysia Islamic Global Sustainable Fund, the industry’s first investment-linked Takaful ESG fund, marks another major milestone in Sun Life Malaysia’s journey towards advancing sustainability.
The new fund, which is a collaboration with Nomura Asset Management Malaysia, aims to provide an affordable and accessible platform for Malaysians to incorporate ESG factors in their investment decisions, while attaining long-term capital appreciation and protection gains. We believe this new fund will address the needs and aspiration of our Clients to grow their wealth without comprising on their faith and values.
Clients can choose to invest in this new investment-linked Takaful ESG fund when they purchase selected investment-linked Takaful plans - namely Sun Prime Link-i and Sun Legacy-i through our agency channel.

Find out more HERE

*Sun Uniq-i
This is a new limited pay investment-linked Takaful plan that offers up to 20 years takaful protection coverage. It is suitable for Clients seeking Shariah-compliant investment opportunities to build and secure their wealth.
Check out the benefits and features of this new Takaful plan:

*This is a limited-time offer. Ends on 1 July 2022.
Sun Lifers' Appreciation Carnival
For some of us, the pandemic years have been a roller-coaster ride – marked by disruptions and emotional challenges. However, we have survived and emerged bolder and better. 
As COVID-19 worries ease and Sun Lifers are returning to the office following two years of remote working, an Appreciation Carnival was held to welcome everyone back to the workplace. At Sun Life, we believe the future of work is about flexibility and choice, and we are committed to empower our people to optimise their work and personal priorities.
Held at Sun Life Malaysia HQ office, the event kick-started at 11am whereby the Mezzanine floor was turned into a carnival boosting different food stalls offering a variety of delicacies, fun-filled carnival games, health assessments and live music to keep Sun Lifers entertained while they connected and bonded over scrumptious food and great company.