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Life Moments

25 March 2019

Shrink your carbon footprint today

Shrink your carbon footprint today


Helping the environment isn’t just about composting or planting a garden.

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We hear a lot about global warming - glaciers are melting, sea levels are rising, cloud forests are dying, and wildlife is scrambling to keep pace, and many agree that environmental, economic, and health consequences are likely to occur if current trends continue. So, what can we do stop or prevent global warming?

There are many simple ways to make a difference without dramatically changing your lifestyle.

So, you’ve started bringing reusable bags to the grocery store and using LED light bulbs. But what else can you do?

You don’t have to start riding your bike everywhere or growing your own vegetables to make a difference. Here are five simple ways to reduce your carbon footprint without dramatically changing your lifestyle.

  1. <<<<<<< HEAD ======= >>>>>>> master/master
  2. Pack litterless lunches

    Many schools request parents send their kids with litterless lunches, which mean no disposable wrappers or containers. Adopt the same rule for the office to save money and reduce waste. Reusable stainless steel, tempered glass or plastic containers can hold everything from fruit to nuts to yogurt, and a good old-fashioned thermos will keep your soup hot on a cold day.

  3. Forego paper forms

    Go online to file forms such as benefits claims with your insurance provider. Not only will you get your reimbursement quicker, you’ll save stamps, paper, envelopes and fuel. You can also arrange to have your payment credited directly into your bank account.

  4. Plug in the slow cooker

    Cooking a dish over several hours in a slow cooker has benefits beyond coming home to a ready-made meal. Small appliances such as slow cookers, toaster ovens and microwave ovens use significantly less energy than traditional electric or convection ovens, even when in use for a much longer period. For example, a meal cooked in a crock-pot over seven hours uses 0.7kWh of energy, while the same meal cooked in an electric oven for one hour uses 2.0 kWh of energy.

  5. Buy in-season

    Even if you don’t make it to the supermarket every week for your produce, try to buy in-season fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. Out-of-season imported produce requires more fuel to transport and on-route energy to refrigerate.

  6. Beware of energy vampires

    Most of us are pretty good about turning out lights when leaving a room, but what about unplugging the toaster or switching off power bars? Even when many electronic devices are powered down, they’re still drawing energy. This includes TVs, computers, printers, digital clocks, DVD players, stereos and cell phone chargers – even when they’re not charging. By unplugging such devices or investing in a power bar that can be switched off, you’ll reduce your energy drain and save money at the same time.

What are some of your ways you plan on reducing carbon footprint? Regardless, let's do our part to help save the environment and leave a brighter life for our future generation.

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