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Health For Life

Life Moments

25 March 2019

Take small steps to a healthier you

Take small steps to a healthier you

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Any activity that gets you moving can help to lower your blood sugar, reduce your risk of heart disease and control your weight. If you’ve never exercised before or want to become more active, start slowly and talk to your doctor.

Your doctor may suggest that you start by walking. It’s an aerobic activity that’s safe and easy to fit into your daily routine. You might start with the goal of taking a 10-minute walk at a comfortable pace.

You could walk during your lunch or coffee break at work. Walk your kids to school or push your baby in a stroller. Go for a stroll after dinner.

Reward yourself for making a daily walk a regular habit.

Once you’ve had success meeting this goal, think about setting your sights a little higher. It is recommended that people with diabetes do at least 30 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic activity at least five days a week.

Increase your activity level gradually.

You could work towards this goal in stages. As your fitness level gets better, try speeding up your pace to a brisk walk. If 30 minutes at a time seems daunting, you could break your walk into two 15-minute walks or three 10-minute ones.

Maybe you may want to mix it up a little. Biking, swimming, gardening, dancing, tennis, light jogging or golf are all healthy choices. As you become more active, you may find that you want to try some things that didn’t interest you before.

Whether you live with diabetes or you want to cut your risk of developing it, starting exercise with small steps can offer big rewards.

Health for life. There is nothing more important than our good health. Talk to our advisor today to find out how to live life healthier.