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Health For Life

Life Moments

1 September 2021

By Jillian Stinson

How to talk about mental health

How to talk about mental health

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It’s important to talk about your mental health. Talking about your feelings and problems can release pent-up anxiety, just like taking a great weight off your mind. More importantly, it is a positive way to help you find relief and seek the support needed to get through tough times.

But, for many of us, having an open conversation about mental health is not easy.

What are the barriers to seeking help with mental health?

The COVID-19 pandemic is bringing a rise to mental health problems. Whether it’s loneliness from isolation, substance abuse, or anxiety and depression, people are suffering now more than ever before. At the same time, the pandemic shone a light on the importance of mental health and shifted the way we talk about mental health. It’s helped open conversations about mental health.

Mental illnesses are treatable; however, you may have to try a few different ways to find right the type of treatment or combination of strategies that work best for you.

Despite how common mental health disorders are and the increased media coverage, many are still suffering in silence and have not sought help. Some may feel that they don't need medical help or feel that they can't afford it, or they’re too embarrassed to ask for help.

How can talking about mental health help?

If you’re dealing with a mental health issue, one of the best things you can do is to tell someone. It may be frightening, but talking about your issues can help. It can help others too. Simply hearing someone else talk about their mental health issues can have a lasting impact.

How can you cope with anxiety?

Mood and anxiety disorders are the more commonly known mental health disorders. Anxiety disorders can make every aspect of your life challenging. Things like meeting deadlines to spending time with friends and family can be hard. But living with anxiety disorders doesn’t have to be debilitating. If you have an anxiety disorder or know someone who does, a mental health professional, like a counsellor or therapist can help to figure out what exactly is going on and how to start getting you the help you need.

How can you tell if your teenager is dealing with depression?

Mental health disorders could affect anyone including teenagers. For most teens, some of the tell-tale signs are changes in social habits including disconnecting from school, friends, and a decline in grades.

The good news is that identifying a mental illness early can help teens and even young adults manage their disorders better. That’s where parents, caregivers, and friends can help. You should talk to your teen if you’re concerned. There are a range of options for treating mental illness in teens and a good place to start is learning to recognise the signs of teen depression.

How can you talk about mental health at work?

Undeniably, mental health issues have gain stronger awareness at workplaces over the past year, but, it remains as the elephant in the room. Mental health issues can negatively affect employee engagement and productivity and even increase absenteeism.

If your team members seem stressed or if there's been a significant change in their behavior it's best to address it in conversation with them first. It may not necessarily mean a psychiatric diagnosis like depression or anxiety, but it could still be a sign that something is going on in their life that is acting as some type of stressor.

Managers have an important role to play, but everyone can help foster mental wellness at work. Find some tips to help you start a conversation about mental health with your employer.

How can you find professional help for mental health?

If you or someone you know is dealing with mental illness, a mental health professional can help. Reach out to a counsellor or therapist for support.

Do you have employee benefits at work? Check to see if your benefits include a program that offers free counselling or therapy sessions for employees and your families.

Many healthcare professionals now offer virtual appointments or e-therapy sessions. This way, they can help people during the pandemic while reducing the spread of COVID-19.

Remember, you are not alone. Share your feelings, reach out and seek support if you need it. Take care of your wellbeing – be it physical, mental and financial, and make time for the things you love that can lead you to a brighter life.

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