
How much will it cost for my child’s tertiary education?

It’s never too early to start saving for your child’s education. Using this simple calculator, we can help you understand your options based on your individual needs.

Please note that the results are for your general information and may not cater to all your specific needs and conditions. The information is no guarantee of future tuition fee and living expenses.

Where will your child further his or her dream education?
{{ displayCountries( }}
I’m not sure about the location yet
  • {{ eclocWithLocal }}
Annual Tuition Fee
RM {{ formattedNumber(eccost) }}
Annual Living Expense
RM {{ formattedNumber(eclivingExpense) }}
{{ eclocWithLocal }}
Now we need to ask a few important questions:
How much have you saved for {{ ecname }} so far?
Existing saving should be less than RM 999,999
Existing saving should be larger than RM 0
Expected annual return should be less than 10%
Expected annual return should be larger than 0%
Your expected monthly saving should be larger than RM 0
Your expected monthly saving should be less than RM 20,000
In {{ ecsavingperiod }} Years your child
{{ ecname }}
Can be studying in
  • {{ eclocWithLocal }}
To earn a
Annual Tuition Fee: RM {{ formattedNumber(eccost) }}
Annual Living Expenses: RM {{ formattedNumber(eclivingExpense) }}
Estimated cost of education
RM {{ formattedNumber(ecfundneed) }}
RM {{ formattedNumber(ecprojectedsaving) }}
Your projected savings in {{ ecsavingperiod }} years
(RM{{ formattedNumber(ecsaving) }}, {{ ecrate }}% rate of return)
RM {{ formattedNumber(ecshortfall) }}
Estimated ShortFall
Here you are the countries where you can afford The more savings you have, the more choices of study destinations you get! You can afford {{ affordableCountries }} out of 9 countries.
{{ displayCountries( }}
RM {{ formattedNumber(place.fundneed) }}
{{ calEachFundValue(place) }}
Work towards the dream education today
  • The costs above project the approximate tuition fee and living expenses based on an average number of 3 years for tertiary excluding Foundation / A-Levels, including a 5-year inflation expectation rate (2.10% per year) and average yield of Malaysia (3.22% per year).
  • The estimated education cost provided above is for reference only. It is based on the average annual tuition fee of top tier universities/private institutions and estimated living expenses of the countries. The estimated living expenses may not cater all individual needs and conditions. There is no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future.
  • Source: Times Higher Education