Explore Sun Life Financial Worldwide

SunLink Istismar Plus

A comprehensive takaful plan that enriches your financial and spiritual goals

Are you the one who accepts your life as it is or are you the one who leads your life? We keep moving forward in life, seeking financial security while keeping our faith close to our hearts. We seek wealth during our livelihood and financial stability for those who we may leave behind whether those who are close to us or those who are in need.

Introducing the all-in-one plan with financial safety net that boost your takaful protection for you and your loved ones.

Benefits & Features


Freedom & flexibility on managing your investment fund(s)

Enjoy the flexibility to choose from a wide range of Shariah-compliant investment-linked funds locally or globally according to your risk tolerance level and investment needs. In addition, you can choose how your money is investing by switching your fund anytime with no extra fee (fund switching fee waived).

You have the freedom to perform scheduled or single top-up contribution to boost your investment return.


Protection booster to increase your basic sum covered

This plan provides extra coverage with protection booster as a loyalty reward which boosts your sum covered by 5% of the basic sum covered upon the completion of 5 contract years up to 20% of the basic sum covered.

Protection booster will be paid when any of the following happens - death, total and permanent disability (TPD), or as final benefit when the person covered survives until the end of contract term (age 99).


Customizable all-in-one benefits

This plan provides benefits to you and your loved one in the event of death or total and permanent disability (TPD).

You can further boost your takaful protection by adding any optional riders


Discount on basic tabarru’

Enjoy a discount on the basic tabarru’ when you select a higher sum covered.


Flexibility to choose different contract term options

  • Flexibility to choose different contract term - up to age 70, 80, 99 or contract term of 30 years to best suit your financial needs.
  • Extension of takaful coverage (only applicable to contract term up to age 70, 80 and contract term of 30 years)
    • Upon expiration of the selected contract term, the takaful coverage will be automatically extended up to age 99, subject to additional contributions requirements. No underwriting is required for this extension of takaful coverage.

 Final benefit (Contract term up to age 99)

When the person covered survives until the end of contract term (age 99), total sum covered (basic sum covered and protection booster) plus the value of the investment account, less any indebtedness will be payable.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Protection by PIDM on benefits payable from the unit portion of this certificate/policy/contract is subject to limitations. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (TIPS) Brochure or contact Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).


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