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Sun EduSmart

Giving your child a head start in life


As parents, one of the best things you can give your child is a good education. That’s why planning ahead with the right education savings plan like Sun EduSmart is vital.

Benefits & Features


Education reward

A lump sum payment of:

  • RM500 will be awarded when the life assured completes the UPSR/PSLE/equivalent Standard 6 exams.
  • RM1,000 will be awarded when the life assured completes the SPM/SPVM/O-Level/equivalent standard Form 5 exams.

Education Booster Fund (EBF)

EBF is a non-guaranteed additional amount of money that will be paid on top of the Guaranteed Maturity Benefit upon maturity, and is not available for withdrawal before maturity. It is an annual addition that will be pro-rated and credited at the end of each policy monthly anniversary according to the benchmark yield.


Guaranteed maturity benefit

  • Sum assured; or
  • Total premiums payable, whichever is higher.

Life insurance benefit (life assured - child)

The following will be payable upon death or total and permanent disability (TPD):

  • Sum assured; or
  • Total premiums payable, whichever is higher, plus EBF.

Policy owner waiver of premium benefit (parent/legal guardian)

Should death or TPD befall the policy owner, the remaining premium payments will be waived and the policy will remain in force.


Additional tax relief

Tax relief under insurance premium for education benefit in addition to the usual tax relief for life insurance and Employees Provident Fund (EPF).

Note: Terms and conditions apply.


The benefit(s) payable under eligible certificate/policy/contract is(are) protected by PIDM up to limits. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (TIPS) Brochure or contact Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).

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