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Sun Income Secure Max

Plan your retirement in style with guaranteed yearly income.


The best way to guarantee a comfortable retirement is through a steady income stream, potentially coming from rental fee from your properties, monthly allowance from your children or retirement savings plan.

But these may not be enough to maintain the comfortable and productive lifestyle you enjoy now. With Sun Income Secure Max, it is not only provides guaranteed yearly income to maintain your lifestyle, it also provides the insurance coverage to secure you and your loved one for any unfortunate event.

Benefits & Features


Insurance coverage

In the event of death or total and permanent disability (TPD), sum assured and total account value, less any indebtedness will be payable. The money can be used to pay off your debt and other living expenses.


Guaranteed yearly income

  • Enjoy a guaranteed yearly income (GYI) for up to 20 years from a pre-selected retirement age of your choice; and
  • Additional 50% GYI for the first 3 years of GYI payout period.

Full premium allocation to be invested in the investment-linked fund

Full premium for investment-linked insurance plan will be fully allocated in your policy and invested in the investment-linked funds of your choice.


Enjoy potential investment return​

Enjoy potential upside returns, helping you to achieve financial freedom.


Maturity benefit

Sum assured and total account value less any indebtedness will be payable upon policy maturity.


Enjoy the discount on cost of insurance (COI) for high sum assured

You can enjoy a discount on the COI if you select higher sum assured.

Note: Terms and conditions apply.

Protection by PIDM on benefits payable from the unit portion of this certificate/policy/contract is subject to limitations. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (TIPS) Brochure or contact Sun Life Malaysia Assurance Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).


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