Explore Sun Life Financial Worldwide

SinarLink Aiman

Two in one plan that suits your protection and investment needs

SinarLink Aiman is a regular contribution investment-linked takaful plan that provides the comprehensive coverage including enjoying potential investment return with wide range of Shariah-compliant investment opportunities, comprehensive coverage that comes with protection and a wide range of 6 optional riders and so on.

Benefits & Features


Death/Total and permanent disability (TPD) benefit

Sum covered plus the value of the investment account will be payable upon the death/TPD of the person covered.


Final benefit (coverage term up to age 99)

Sum covered plus the value of investment account will be paid upon maturity at the age of 99.


Optional riders

Optional riders available for you to enhance your coverage based on your financial needs.


Note: Terms and conditions apply.


Protection by PIDM on benefits payable from the unit portion of this certificate/policy/contract is subject to limitations. Please refer to PIDM’s Takaful and Insurance Benefits Protection System (TIPS) Brochure or contact Sun Life Malaysia Takaful Berhad or PIDM (visit www.pidm.gov.my).


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