Service Tax registrants such as Sun Life Malaysia is allowed to charge and collect the Service Tax.
Life insurance policy or family takaful contract sold to an individual is not a taxable service and hence, the premium or contribution is not subject to Service Tax. However, life insurance policy or family takaful contract sold to a business organisation is a taxable service and hence, the premium or contribution is subject to Service Tax. The Service Tax will increase from the current rate of 6% to 8% with effect from 1 March 2024 and there will be no issuance of new policy/contract.
No. This service tax will not affect the surrender value and/or maturity value of my policy/contract. To find out about the amount of the surrender value and/or maturity value, please contact your advisor.
The ST will be increased from the current rate of 6% to 8% with effect from 1 March 2024 for selected taxable services, including the insurance/takaful sector. Therefore, the ST for your insurance policy/takaful certificate will be revised accordingly.
If full payment is received before 1 March 2024, the ST rate remains at 6%.
The ST rate is 6% for the coverage period before 1 March 2024, while the applicable ST rate for the coverage period provided on or after 1 March 2024 is 8%.